Friday, 2 January 2015

Day 90 - reset

Happy 2015 to you all. 
So its 90 days since I threw any wine down my face, 90. That's a number. That's a number I'd never have thought possible. And, I'm proud. So proud like I never thought I'd be,

but and here's the thing, I feel though like I'm a bit on 'reset' with my relationships, with my family in some ways and mostly with myself. 

It's confusing but I'm hopeful. Really hopeful.

Thank you so much for getting me here, to 90 days.


  1. Congrats on 90 days! So happy for you! Lori K xx

    1. I actually did a dance. :) hugs to you lovely.

  2. Yesterday was my day 90. Everyone I tell says Congratulations and then drops it. I am like 90 DAYS!!!!!! Shouldn't there be a brass band and sparkling batons being thrown in the air? No one except a fellow soberista gets it. So here is your brass band....can you hear it! :)

    1. Hey we're almost sober twins. And I send you a brass band, marching penguins, a tooting elephant and probably lots of ticker tape. Lets have a parade. WELL DONE YOU!!!!!!! :)

  3. Well done. You've achieved so much. I really hope to achieve that figure this time.
    Best wishes

    1. Thank you Sarah, some days I feel as if I'm hardly treading water, other days I think wholly cow this is harder than anything I've done. Its so strange. I think the friendships will need reset, my changes are for me. Others might choose their own path, that makes me sad but some of us only have drinking in common.


  4. 90 days is CORKING! well done for keeping the cork firmly IN!

    skipping a light fandango in your honour around the kitchen table :)

    and re-setting unsettling yes yes yes. one of my favourite quotes, from the Desiderata is this:

    "And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."

    even if we can't see what it is going to be, just yet... Prim xx

    1. Thank you.

      Oh lovely please don't hurt yourself my own kitchen table is strewn with xmas crap, the floor looks like I could make soup with it and I'm sure there's a random brussel sprout lurking somewhere. I can honestly say this year I let the perfect everything just slip and concentrated on me.

      We had M&S fizzy Normady apple so the only corks popped were AF ones. :) but I take your point :)

      (who knew there was a whole aisle for something called 'unfermented juice')?

      I love that quote thank you.

      I'm shuffling forward, maybe I need a sober zimmer frame too to add to my tool kit?

      If I added brushes maybe I'd get the floor done at the same time?


  5. Yes. You're finding new ways to deal with things, to relate to people, to cope with emotions. You've stopped using wine as the "quick fix" and your perspectives are changing. Confusing, but leading to a healthier mindset without feeling the "need" to drink.
    Well done to you, my dear! Very well done indeed! 90 days is a significant milestone. :-) :-) :-) Big hugs, Do x

    1. Hey Do thank you. So much. My quick fix is now my bath.

      Who knew drowning yourself on a regular basis would be so beneficial.

      I'm on belle's 100 day challenge, when I read her blog to begin with it took me months to sign up because I just thought htere was no way.

      Taking each day as it comes and loading up the sober stuff like I have a wheelbarrow full and a shovel.

      :) Hugest of hugs to you and Happy New Year.


  6. Congratulations - 90 days is AWESOME! You're making a change in your life and sadly not everyone will be happy for you. Be strong and know you're on the best path for you. Well done xx

    Soberp82 x

    1. Hey Soberp82 thank you. Its kind of you to pop in. :)

      Some of them aren't happy, but my husband is, so at the end of the day, he's really the second person after me that matters.

      I kinda talked to my son about some stuff last night, very vaguely, like I'd still not had any wine when he offered me some at his flat, with my tea. I just said oh I'm not bothered about that stuff, stopped ages back and wasnt' missing it. But, he said, he'd hardly ever see me drink so it was no wonder I wasn't bothered.

      a two second conversation.

      Kinda releaved, kinda hopeful that might be the case, I did hide it, I did power through the next days like a trojan each day, overcompensating big style.

      Thanks again. x

  7. Congratulations! I am on my way to 90 days as well...and more!

    1. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to being on the way to happiness and more


      Well done you. x

  8. Congratulations on Day 90!! wowzers....I've never been able to make it that far....but I will this time...
    I look forward to reading your blog.... Jen Day 8

    1. Hello Jen Happy Day 8 or is it 9 now?

      Well done!!!!

      I've had so many false starts that I can honestly say neither can I.

      I added on more support than an addicted elephant would probably need. I hope you're loading up with support too is really turned it around for me.

